
Notion Automation Modules

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Notion Automation Modules

49 ratings

Use Notion automations for $0.

Need Notion automations but don't want to buy a paid subscription?

Say no more.

Use this Notion Automation Modules to make reusable copies of databases with pre-built automations! Just change the property names and duplicate the databases as much as you want to suit your needs.

What is an automation module?

An automation module is a group of all the databases associated with an automation. The automation may not be modifiable, but the properties and database itself are modifiable for custom use.

How does this work?

Notion’s database automations system has a loophole.

You can’t make new automations for your existing databases since that would require a Plus account.

  • You can, however, duplicate any database with the pre-built automations you need
  • And then you can make your edits to the properties and pages that the automations target without needing to change the automation itself.

This is simply a clever workaround Notion's automation paywall for free users.

Purchasing the Notion Plus (and above) subscription is still recommended for the multiple benefits outside of database automations! This template is meant to help Notion users who need database automations for limited uses but don't need the full database automations feature.

What's inside?

No more limits

Create your dream workspace with no limits. Making databases with automations is only for paid users. Not anymore.


This is an original concept by Gosdee. Follow the checkbox-style instructions and watch the clips for examples.

What you'll get

  • A library of databases with pre-built automations that you can freely duplicate to create your own custom databases that are equipped with the exact automations you need.


  • What is Notion?

Notion is a very flexible productivity and note-taking web app. Notion is best used as a virtual productivity sandbox, allowing users to build a workspace that suits their needs: to-do lists, notes manager, trackers, planners, etc.

  • What is a Notion template?

A Notion template is a pre-built page or set of pages within Notion that can be duplicated by other users into their own workspace.

  • Is Notion free?

Notion offers a free plan for users.

  • Does this template work on a free plan?

Yes. This template offers no difference among free and premium users.

  • I want to get Notion Plus for free. How do I do this?

For students and educators, Notion Plus is free! Head over to the official Notion help section for more information.

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