Ultimate Life Calendar

24 ratings

NEW features:

May 21, 2024

  • NEW: Vision Board - A place to capture your ideal life
  • NEW: Life Gallery - The collection of your life's turning points and key moments

99% of people are don't have a sense of purpose.

So they end up wasting their lives:

  • Endless doomscrolling
  • "Wantrepreneurship"
  • YouTube shorts, Tiktok, Reels

Our ancestors had it easy.

  • There's no depression when you need to hunt your next meal.
  • Nobody is numb when you're life is on the line.

Use the Ultimate Life Calendar to live how you're meant to live.

It's a sense of purpose simulator with everything important to you on the line.

The Ultimate Life Calendar is a reimagination of the classic Stoic calendar, recreated into a day to day journal.

It is a combination of all the four variants of the Stoic Calendar Collection, a constant reminder of the weight of marching time: on your dreams, health, relationships, and your life... and more!

This calendar is the reimagination of the Stoic calendar inspired by the ancient principle of Memento Mori from Stoic philosophy. Memento Mori is a Latin phrase which means “remember death” or “thou shalt remember to die”.

"All organizations start with WHY, but only the great ones keep their WHY clear year after year.”
― Simon Sinek, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

What's inside

Make life worth living

This is your life in weeks. Just add an emoji, and let Notion do the rest.

Feel the rush of death

The end approaches. Watch the white squares automatically turn black each passing week.

Live a happy life

Was your life a happy one? Use your moods to build data across time in four different statistical reports.

Clarify your vision

Choose your vision and tell the tale of your adventure per vision. Visualize your story today.

Retake lost chances

How did you deal with what the world throws at you? How did life play out?

Face the inevitable

As long as you're human, there are canon events you can never run away from. How will you face them?

Define your why

You're not the only one on a time limit. Stand true to what really matters.

What you'll get

  • The Ultimate Life Calendar, your all-in-one platform for a life worth living
  • An icon pack of all off-Notion icons used in the template in all of Notion's official colors (total of 176 icons) in PNG and SVG
  • A ZIP file containing all Notion people art used in this template
  • A bonus aesthetic options page with Stoicism-related classical paintings as design elements for the template

I make top-tier Notion templates.

Don't take my word for it. Here's what everyone has to say:

Massive engagement from the launch giveaway:


  • What is Notion?

Notion is a very flexible productivity and note-taking web app. Notion is a like a virtual productivity sandbox, allowing users to build a workspace that suits their needs: to-do lists, notes manager, trackers, planners, etc.

  • What is a Notion template?

A Notion template is a pre-built page or set of pages within Notion that can be duplicated by other users into their own workspace.

  • Is Notion free?

Notion offers a free plan for users.

  • Does this template work on a free plan?

Yes. This template offers no difference among free and premium users.

  • I want to get Notion Plus for free. How do I do this?

For students and educators, Notion Plus is free! Head over to the official Notion help section for more information.

I want this!

You'll get the Ultimate Life Calendar.

Delivery Format
Duplicable Notion Template
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Ultimate Life Calendar

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